20 September 2013

Iron Rollercoaster

Jeesh, it’s been a while. I’d really love to post more updates but I’ve been so incredibly swamped, it’s not even funny. 

Training for an Ironman while holding down all other aspects of life is no simple task.  It’s actually one of the reasons I love the challenge of the life /race balance.  To do it successfully you need to be incredible organized and optimize every minute of every day.  I’ve always said the minute I can’t juggle it all, without one of more balls falling out of the air, I’m done.  Well, 3 kids, a working spouse, after schools and weekend sports, my career and that other little commitment of training to be competitive at iron distance racing....I think I’ve reached my limit.   The balls are still all in the air but I’m running back and forth all over the stage to make it happen.  It’s not pretty.  It’s not always fun and I’m exhausted....

03 September 2013

4hr Energy - Training Report

Getting into the thick of things for my Hawaii build.  I posted a "Big Training Day" nutrition report over at Team First Endurance.

Train Safe - Train Smart