Late this past season, in the peak of my training for an Ironman, I struggled with some long lasting fatigue (quads/glutes) and I wasn't recovering well for some of my key sessions. Also during one of my long runs, I injured (overuse) my left knee.
Traditional means to heal an injury include R.I.C.E. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. After a weeks worth of resting the quads and knees from biking and running, the pain was still lingering. I called up my local PT and got right in for an evaluation. The diagnosis, mild tendonitis of the upper knee/lower quad. He performed a little ART, which hurt like crazy and a little Shockwave Therapy. He prescribed a little more rest, ice and compression. On my way out a flyer caught my eye for a company I hadn't hear about before. 110% Play Harder. It advertised active gear for recovery and injury maintenance. It seemed like a perfect fit.
This past season, with a growing family and an increasing level of responsibly at work I figured I only had one more iron distance race in me. It would be my last chance to train and race for a Kona qualifying spot and take a trip to that little black island in the Pacific.
In an attempt to optimize every aspect of my race, I upgraded my bike, my wheels and my helmet in the off-season. To maximize the effect of my training, I learned how to use my power meter. And finally, to prep for the most important training and racing season of my life, the last upgrade I had to make was my nutrition.
I did my research and decided to go all-in with First Endurance. The list of products below seems daunting but I used each of them for a specific purpose, at specific times over the course of my season. I've gone into more detail below.