29 December 2011

Lance says….

It’s Not About The Bike and I agree with him (to an extent). 

In 2004 after I did my first triathlon I quickly rushed out and bought a tri bike.  It was the end of the season, it was the only one the shop and it was on sale.  I bought it.  $1100 dollars later, I was the proud owner of a ’04 Trek Equinox 7.  Entry level frame (aluminum), entry level components (Shimano 105), entry level triathlete.  A perfect “fit”!

 7 years later, I’m still rollin’ on the same bike.  It’s been sweat on, snot on and peed on rained on.  Its’ probably seen 20,000 miles!  It has round tubes and not a gram of carbon but ….

19 December 2011

Body Movin'

Maybe these guys can kick start the New Year!
The velocity of a body remains constant unless the body is acted upon by an external force”

Consistency is key when it comes to endurance sports, and I doubt this is what Newton had in mind, but once you get into a nice consistent training pattern, it's tough to break out of it. Consequently, the same can be said about a body at rest…and it’s been a bitch getting my ass off the couch lately.

After two solid months of training, I gotten a bit out of my rhythm.  Between a new assignment at work, a bit of a chest cold and a calendar full of holiday commitments, I’m pretty much writing the last few weeks of December off.

01 December 2011

Training Update

It's been a while, time for an update.  Training is going well.  I'm 2 months into my 'base' phase.  After a pretty disappointing FTP test in early Oct, I'm slowly climbing back up to where I was last winter.  I tested 242 in Oct, which is 30W higher than…