20 August 2011

25% Increase in FTP – update

After posting this (25% Increase Link) on Slowtwitch, here's an update on how my season went. 

Top 5 in AG at IMLP

M34 - 5'9” - 152lbs.  HS Swimmer, turned triathlete, turned marathoner.  1st IM in '07 (IMLP 10:40), 2nd in '09 (IMLOU 9:45) + Kona, 2010 - 2:55 marathon.

I took a gamble to focus nearly entirely on cycling (my weakness) for my offseason.  I was out of cycling shape and had to...

15 August 2011

Ironman Lake Placid 2011 – Race Report

While racing is always exciting, I’ve never been able to convey that excitement in to words.  If you race you get it, here are some details.  If you don’t, I’m sorry and I doubt you’ll make it to the end of this one!
I didn’t sleep great the night before the race, I never do.  It’s usually a very light, busy minded, anxious, toss and turn, can’t wait for morning type sleep.   After tossing and turning...